Home Composers Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis

Short bio Andrew Lewis

Birthday: 1963

Full biography Andrew Lewis

photo Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is a composer who has made significant contributions to the world of music. He was born in the United Kingdom and has been active in the industry for many years. Andrew Lewis has been affiliated with many institutions, including the University of Wales, Bangor, where he served as a lecturer and professor of music.

Andrew Lewis has also been recognized for his innovative and experimental approach to music composition, often incorporating electronics and other technologies into his works. His music has been commissioned and performed by numerous ensembles and performers around the world, and he has won many awards and distinctions for his work.

In addition to his work as a composer, Andrew Lewis has also been involved in music education, teaching courses and workshops on music composition and performance. He has also collaborated with other artists and writers on interdisciplinary projects, exploring the intersections of music, technology, and other forms of art.

Overall, Andrew Lewis is a notable composer whose work has contributed to the growth and development of musical composition. With his innovative and experimental approach, he has pushed the boundaries of traditional music composition, creating new and exciting works that continue to inspire and impact audiences around the world.

Compositions featuring Andrew Lewis

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Schattenklavier ("Shadow-Piano"), for piano & computer 15:38 min Keyboard -
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