Home Composers Franciszek Mirecki

Franciszek Mirecki

Short bio Franciszek Mirecki

Birthday: 1791
Died: 1862

Full biography Franciszek Mirecki

photo Franciszek Mirecki

Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki was a Polish composer, conductor, and pedagogue who was born on April 2, 1791, in Kraków and died on May 29, 1862, in Lviv. He was the son of Franciszek Mirecki, the organist of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kraków , and Teresa Gorczkiewicz. Mirecki studied music in Warsaw and Kraków, and later in Vienna and Italy.

He became a professor of composition and a conductor at the Kraków Conservatory in 1829 and was the principal conductor of the Kraków Philharmonic Orchestra from its inception in 1830 to 1846. In addition to his work in Kraków, Mirecki also served as a conductor and music director in Lviv and Warsaw during his career.

Mirecki composed numerous works in a variety of genres, including operas, symphonies, chamber music, and piano pieces. His music is generally considered to be rooted in the Classical tradition, though there are also Romantic elements in some of his works.

Some of Mirecki's most notable compositions include his opera "I due forzati" and his Sonata No. 1 for piano. Mirecki also wrote numerous articles on music theory and educational methods, and he was a highly respected pedagogue who trained many of the leading musicians of his day.

Though Mirecki's music is not as well-known today as that of some of his contemporaries, he was an important figure in the development of Polish classical music during the early 19th century.

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