Home Composers Ferdinand Pfohl

Ferdinand Pfohl

Short bio Ferdinand Pfohl

Birthday: 1862
Died: 1949

Full biography Ferdinand Pfohl

photo Ferdinand Pfohl

Ferdinand Pfohl (1862-1949) was a German composer, music critic, and music writer. He studied law in Prague before pursuing music in Leipzig. Pfohl was renowned mainly as a music writer and spent many years as a music critic for the Hamburger Nachrichten ('Hamburg News'). He was a close friend of the composer Gustav Mahler and is said to have provided some of the inspiration for Mahler's Third Symphony.

In addition to his work as a writer and critic, Pfohl also composed music himself. Some of his compositions are featured in recordings by pianist Jamina Gerl, who released two CDs containing world premieres of Pfohl's work. Pfohl's compositions are not as well-known as his writing and criticism, but they are worth exploring for those interested in the music of his era.

Overall, Ferdinand Pfohl was a prominent figure in the world of classical music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through his writing and criticism, he contributed to the understanding and appreciation of music in his time, while his own compositions helped to shape the artistic landscape of the era.

Albums featuring Ferdinand Pfohl

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Pfohl - Jamina Gerl – Strandbilder • Suite Élégiaque • Hagbart(CD, ) Pfohl - Jamina Gerl – Strandbilder • Suite Élégiaque • Hagbart(CD, ) 2019 Grand Piano (2)
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