Home Composers Ferdinand Fränzl

Ferdinand Fränzl

Short bio Ferdinand Fränzl

Birthday: 1767
Died: 1833

Full biography Ferdinand Fränzl

photo Ferdinand Fränzl

Ferdinand Fränzl (1738-1811) was a German composer of the Classical era who made significant contributions to the development of instrumental music during his time. Born in the town of Wetzlar, Fränzl began his musical career as a violinist, serving as concertmaster for the court orchestra of Count Stadion in Kassel. However, he later turned his focus to composition, and over the course of his career, he composed a wide range of works, including symphonies, concertos, sonatas, and chamber music.

Fränzl's style was marked by a strong sense of melody and a keen attention to tonal structure and harmonic progression. His works were often characterized by a graceful, elegant quality, with flowing melodies and delicate counterpoint. Fränzl was also known for his skill in orchestration, and his works made use of a wide range of instrumental colors and textures.

Despite his considerable talents, Fränzl's music fell out of favor in the years following his death, and today he is largely overlooked in discussions of the Classical era. Nevertheless, his works remain a testament to his creative energy and imaginative spirit, and they continue to be performed and enjoyed by audiences around the world.

Albums featuring Ferdinand Fränzl

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Aus Der FerneVarious – Musik Aus Mannheim III - Liedermacher Einst Und Jetzt(2×LP, Compilation) Aus Der FerneVarious – Musik Aus Mannheim III - Liedermacher Einst Und Jetzt(2×LP, Compilation) - Boehringer Mannheim
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