Home Composers Farid Zoland

Farid Zoland

Short bio Farid Zoland

Birthday: 1955
Genre: International

Full biography Farid Zoland

photo Farid Zoland

Farid Zoland is an Afghan songwriter and composer who was born on September 1 , 1951, in Kabul. He is known for his collaborations with musicians from other countries and has gained recognition for his work in the music industry. Zoland received his initial education in music from his father in Kabul before pursuing a career in music composition. Throughout his career, he has worked with many artists and his music has been featured in various productions. He has also been praised as a talented multi-faceted artist who creates both compelling lyrics and music. In addition to his work in the music industry, Zoland has been recognized as a skilled producer and writer, and has appeared in various events and programs. His contributions to the music industry have earned him global recognition and his work continues to inspire new generations of artists.

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