Home Composers Erling Wold

Erling Wold

Short bio Erling Wold

Birthday: 1958
Active: 1990s
Genre: Jazz,Classical,Electronic

Full biography Erling Wold

photo Erling Wold

Erling Wold is a San Francisco-based composer known for his operas , contemporary classical works, and scores for films, plays, and dance performances. He started writing music while studying physics and music at Caltech and later went on to earn a PhD in composition from UC Berkeley. Wold is particularly known for his large dramatic works, including operas such as "A Little Girl Dreams of Taking the Veil" and "Sub Pontio Pilato," and the chamber opera "Uksus," based on the life of surrealist writer Daniil Kharms. He has also composed music for films directed by Jon Jost, such as "The Bed You Sleep In" and "Sure Fire." In addition to his work as a composer, Wold is also a producer and librettist. One of his most notable works is "Queer," a chamber opera based on William S. Burroughs' novel of the same name. Through his innovative use of instrumentation and structure, Wold has become known for his unique and evocative style of music composition.

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