Home Composers Edwin Arthur Jones

Edwin Arthur Jones

Short bio Edwin Arthur Jones

Birthday: 1853
Died: 1911

Full biography Edwin Arthur Jones

photo Edwin Arthur Jones

Edwin Arthur Jones was an American composer and violinist who lived from 1853 to 1911. He was born in New Jersey and grew up in Philadelphia. Jones was a prolific composer who wrote several works for chorus, orchestra, and organ, among other genres. He was particularly known for his cantata "Song of our Saviour", which was written in the late 19th century.

Jones received his musical training in Philadelphia and continued his studies in Vienna. After returning to the US, he worked as a violinist and conductor in several major cities, including Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. In addition to his musical career, Jones was also a civic leader in Philadelphia, where he was involved in several philanthropic and cultural organizations.

Jones' compositions reflect the influence of the Romantic era, with lush harmonies and rich orchestrations. His style was eclectic, drawing on both European and American musical traditions. His music was well-received during his lifetime, but it has since fallen into relative obscurity.

Despite his relatively short life, Jones left behind a significant legacy in the world of American music. He was an important figure in the development of classical music in the US, and his works continue to be studied and performed today.

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