Home Composers Dror Elimelech

Dror Elimelech

Short bio Dror Elimelech

Birthday: 1956

Full biography Dror Elimelech

photo Dror Elimelech

Dror Elimelech is an Israeli composer, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, poet, and performer. He was born in Israel in 1956. Elimelech is known for his works in both acoustic and electro-acoustic composition, and he has studied composition with Sergiu Natra. Besides being a composer and performer, he is also a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

Elimelech's musical works have been featured in various music streaming platforms such as SoundCloud, where he has over 265 million plays. He is also recognized for his poetry works and has been regarded as an Israeli poet. He often merges his poetry with music in his compositions.

Elimelech's contributions to music and art extend to Israel and beyond, making him a significant figure in Israeli music and culture.

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