Home Composers David Jennings

David Jennings

Short bio David Jennings

Birthday: 1972

Full biography David Jennings

photo David Jennings

David Jennings is a British composer who was born in Sheffield, Yorkshire, in 1972. He studied Music at Durham University under the guidance of John Casken, a distinguished composer. Jennings is known for his expressive piano music, which can be heard on his album released in 2010. His music is a combination of classical, jazz, and pop influences, and he has a talent for writing music for dance performances. Jennings' music style is unique, blending elements of different genres to create a distinctive sound.

Jennings started composing music at an early age, and his talent was nurtured in an environment that encouraged his passion for music. He grew up in Yorkshire, and spent much of his childhood surrounded by music. In one interview, he spoke about his inspiration as a composer, saying that he often has a vision of what a piece of music would look like when writing for dance.

Jennings has had a successful career as a composer, with many of his compositions being featured in dance performances, concerts and on recordings. He is also a multi-instrumentalist, and has worked as a producer, songwriter, and mix engineer. Although he is not as well-known as some other contemporary composers, his compositional style is unique and has gained recognition in the music world.

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