Home Composers David C.Johnson

David C.Johnson

Short bio David C.Johnson

Birthday: 1940 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary, Modern, Renaissance, Romantic

Full biography David C.Johnson

photo David C.Johnson

David C. Johnson is an American composer , flautist, and performer of live electronic music. He has been active in the music industry for several years and has earned a reputation as an accomplished composer and musician. Johnson was born on August 10, 1985, in the United States. He started his musical journey by learning to play the flute at a young age and went on to master a wide range of musical instruments.

Over the course of his career, David C. Johnson has composed and produced various works across several genres, including classical, electronic, and hip-hop. He is known for his unique style, which blends different elements and sounds to create one-of-a-kind compositions. Some of his notable works include the hip-hop driven jingle for Pizza Hut in 2012 , and his compositions like "Portales" and "Quintet No. 1."

Johnson's works have been performed in various venues across the United States, including the historic Carnegie Hall in New York City. He has also been awarded several accolades for his works, including the prestigious ASCAP Morton Gould Award.

Overall, David C. Johnson is a talented composer and musician who has made significant contributions to the music industry. His unique style and sound have been well-received by both critics and audiences alike, and his works continue to inspire and captivate music lovers across the world.

Compositions featuring David C.Johnson

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 God, Man and the Animals, for soprano, recorder, harpsichord & cello 17:46 min Vocal Music 1983
2 Preludes & Fugues (12) for Piano 59:42 min Keyboard -
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