Home Composers Alan John

Alan John

Short bio Alan John

Birthday: 1958

Full biography Alan John

photo Alan John

Alan John is an accomplished composer and writer-director based in Sydney, Australia. He was born on September 14, 1958, and has since made a name for himself in the industry. Alan has worked on a number of projects across various media, including both film and theatre productions.

One of Alan's notable works is his collaboration with writer-director Alana Valentine on the play "Parramatta Girls". Alan composed the music for the play, which was first produced in 2007 and went on to win multiple awards. Alan has also composed music for a number of films, such as "The Bank" and "Jindabyne".

In addition to his work as a composer, Alan has also worked as an actor and has made appearances in various productions. Despite his varied work in the industry, Alan is perhaps best known for his contributions to the field of theatre, where he has worked on a number of productions as a composer.

Overall, Alan John is a highly respected and accomplished composer and writer-director, with a long list of credits to his name. His work in the industry continues to inspire and influence other artists, making him an important figure in the world of music and theatre.

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