Home Composers Dave Smith

Dave Smith

Short bio Dave Smith

Birthday: 1949

Full biography Dave Smith

photo Dave Smith

There are multiple people named Dave Smith in various fields, including engineering, music, and writing, but with the context of being a music composer, the most relevant person is Dave Smith in electronic music.

Dave Smith is the founder of Sequential, a synthesizer company known for creating some of the most iconic synthesizers in electronic music history, including the Prophet-5, Prophet-600, and Prophet-10. He is considered a pioneer in the field of electronic music and is known for his innovative contributions to synthesizer design and sound.

Smith started his career working as an engineer in the mid-1970s and eventually developed the Prophet-5, which revolutionized the synthesizer industry and became a must-have instrument for electronic musicians around the world. Throughout the 80s and 90s, he continued to innovate and develop new instruments, including the Prophet-600, the Six-Trak, and the T8.

Smith's contributions to electronic music were recognized in 2013 when he received a Technical GRAMMY award, along with Ikutaro Kakehashi, for their significant contributions to the recording industry. Smith continues to design synthesizers and run Sequential, which has released several new and updated versions of their classic instruments in recent years.

In summary, Dave Smith is a highly respected figure in the world of electronic music and synthesizer design. His contributions and innovative creations have played a significant role in shaping the sound of modern music.

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