Home Composers Claudia Rusca

Claudia Rusca

Short bio Claudia Rusca

Birthday: 1593
Died: 1676

Full biography Claudia Rusca

photo Claudia Rusca

Claudia Rusca (1593 - 6 October 1676) was an Italian composer , singer, and organist. She was also a nun, and spent most of her life in the convent of Santa Caterina in Milan, where she developed her skills as a musician. While there, she wrote a large body of music, including sacred concertos and canzoni francesi.

Rusca's compositions are notable for their expressive melodies, intricate counterpoint, and use of vibrant harmonies. Her works were highly regarded in her time, and her music was performed in churches and courts throughout Italy.

In addition to her musical achievements, Rusca was also a gifted teacher. She taught music to the nuns in her convent as well as to students outside of the convent walls. One of her students, Caterina Confalonieri, went on to become a composer in her own right.

Today, Claudia Rusca is recognized as an important figure in Baroque music and one of the few female composers of her time whose music has survived to the present day. Despite the challenges she faced as a female composer in a male-dominated field, she persevered and left a lasting legacy in the world of music.

Compositions featuring Claudia Rusca

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Gaudete, for 2 sopranos (from Sacri concerti) 2:18 min Vocal Music -
2 Sacri concerti a 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci Choral -

Albums featuring Claudia Rusca

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Canzon SecondaEarthly Angels – Music From 17th Century Nun Convents(CD, Album) Canzon SecondaEarthly Angels – Music From 17th Century Nun Convents(CD, Album) - Alba Records
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