Home Composers Charles Lucas

Charles Lucas

Short bio Charles Lucas

Birthday: 1808
Died: 1869

Full biography Charles Lucas

photo Charles Lucas

Charles Lucas was an English composer, cellist, conductor, and publisher who lived from 28 July 1808 to 23 March 1869. He was also the third principal of the Royal Academy of Music from 1859 to 1866. Lucas was a gifted musician who made significant contributions to the classical music world of the nineteenth century. He wrote a variety of compositions, including symphonies, concertos, and chamber music. During his lifetime, his works were highly praised, and he received numerous accolades and awards for his compositions.

In addition to his composing activities, Lucas was also active in the field of music publishing. He established his own music publishing company, which became quite successful and published works by many notable musicians of the time. Lucas also worked as a cellist and conductor, performing widely and earning recognition for his performances.

Overall, Charles Lucas was a prominent figure in the world of classical music in the mid-nineteenth century. His contributions and achievements continue to influence and inspire musicians today.

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