Home Composers Cecil Effinger

Cecil Effinger

Short bio Cecil Effinger

Birthday: 1914
Died: 1990
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography Cecil Effinger

photo Cecil Effinger

Cecil Effinger was a prolific American composer and inventor, born on December 10, 1914, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He wrote nearly 170 pieces for a variety of ensembles , including chorus, orchestra, and band. In addition to his compositional skills, Effinger was an inventor, creating the Musicwriter which was used to print music.

Effinger's music is characterized by its tonal and sometimes neo-classical style, with influences from his mentors Normand Lockwood and Aaron Copland. Among his compositions are five large symphonies, two operas, works for solo instruments, and many choral pieces.

Cecil Effinger was particularly noted for his choral compositions, which include Four Pastorales, written for the University of Colorado Men's Glee Club, and Two Motets on texts in Latin. He also wrote three large choral-orchestral works, including Three Mountain Ballads, which features settings of texts by Colorado poet Thomas Hornsby Ferril.

Effinger was a dedicated teacher, having held positions at the University of Colorado, Colorado College, and the University of Tulsa. He was also active as a conductor, leading both collegiate and community ensembles. Throughout his life, he received many accolades and honors for his work, including being awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in 1959 to study choral music in Germany.

Effinger died on May 22, 1990, in Colorado Springs. His legacy continues, with his music still performed and studied by musicians and scholars today.

Compositions featuring Cecil Effinger

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Little Symphony No. 1, Op. 31 13:23 min Symphony 1945
2 An American Hymn, A Setting of "America the Beautiful", for chorus 5:45 min Choral -
3 Nocturne for accordion & strings 4:44 min Chamber Music -
4 Pastorales (4) for chorus & oboe 13:33 min Choral -
5 Songs (4) About Birds, for chorus & flutes 12:18 min Choral -
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