Home Composers Carsten Bo Eriksen

Carsten Bo Eriksen

Short bio Carsten Bo Eriksen

Birthday: 1973

Full biography Carsten Bo Eriksen

photo Carsten Bo Eriksen

Carsten Bo Eriksen is a Danish composer, multi-instrumentalist, and producer. He was born in 1973 and has worked in various musical genres, ranging from classical to electronic music. He has composed music for many different mediums, including films, television, and video games.

Eriksen is known for his unique style, which blends elements of contemporary classical music with electronic and experimental music. He often employs unusual instrumentation and unconventional techniques in his music, resulting in a sound that is both innovative and captivating.

Some of Eriksen's notable works include "Cognito," "Icon of Red Tears," and "Distant," which have been featured in TRANSIT's DoubleBill series and have been well received by audiences. He has also been featured on various music platforms such as Spotify and My Beautiful Decay 1973.

Eriksen has been recognized for his contributions to music, including being listed as a 21st-century classical composer on Wikipedia. He continues to create and innovate in the music industry and is a respected figure within the Danish music scene.

Albums featuring Carsten Bo Eriksen

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Scream XVarious – Yderligheder(CD, Compilation) Scream XVarious – Yderligheder(CD, Compilation) 2001 Dansk Musik Tidsskrift
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