Home Composers Carlos Patino

Carlos Patino

Short bio Carlos Patino

Birthday: 1600
Died: 1675

Full biography Carlos Patino

photo Carlos Patino

Sorry, but I wasn't able to find significant information on the composer Carlos Patino in my search results. However, I did come across some information on a composer named Carlos Patio. He was a Spanish composer of the Baroque period , born in the Cuenca town of Santa Maria del Campo de Rus and died in Madrid on September 5 , 1675.

According to his Discogs page, he is best known for his sacred music, including villancicos, responsories, and Passions. He has also written some secular pieces, such as theater music. As a composer, he was considered one of the greatest masters of Baroque music, particularly for his combination of subtle harmonies and rich melodies.

Currently, there is also a composer and producer based in Miami named Carlos Patio. He is pursuing a doctoral degree in music composition at the Frost School Of Music at the University Of Miami , according to his Stream Carlos Patio Musica page. It is possible that he is a descendant or namesake of the Baroque composer mentioned earlier.

Compositions featuring Carlos Patino

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Nunca mucho costó poco, song 1:27 min Vocal Music 16??
2 Dixit Dóminus, for chorus 4:37 min Choral -
3 Dómine, quando véneris, for chorus 2:27 min Choral -
4 Hermosa Zagala, romance for 4 voices 8:06 min Choral -
5 In devotione, motet al Santísimo 5:07 min Choral -
6 Inter vestíbulum, for chorus 3:22 min Choral -
7 Lauda Jerusalem, for chorus 9:13 min Choral -
8 Lauda Sion Salvatorem, for chorus 4:11 min Choral -
9 Laudate Dóminum omnes gentes, for chorus 2:36 min Choral -
10 Maria, Mater Dei, motet 8:17 min Vocal Music -
11 Pastorcillo triste, tono humano 2:07 min Vocal Music -
12 Psalm 111: Beatus Vir, for the time of the Nativity for 2 chours, 8 part & continuo 4:05 min Choral -
13 Psalm 147: Lauda Jerusalem Dominum, for 2 choruses & continuo 4:09 min Choral -
14 Salve Regina, for chorus 4:37 min Choral -
15 Tantum ergo sacramentum 2:45 min Choral -
16 Veni Sancte Spiritus 5:26 min Keyboard -

Albums featuring Carlos Patino

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Carlos Patiño – La Grande Chapelle, Albert Recasens – Música Sacra Para La Corte(CD, ) Carlos Patiño – La Grande Chapelle, Albert Recasens – Música Sacra Para La Corte(CD, ) 2021 Lauda
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