Home Composers Annie Patterson

Annie Patterson

Short bio Annie Patterson

Birthday: 1868
Died: 1934
Active: 2000s
Genre: Folk

Full biography Annie Patterson

photo Annie Patterson

Annie Wilson Patterson was an accomplished Irish organist, music educator, writer, composer, and arranger born on 27 October 1868. She made her debut as a solo organist at the age of 15 and went on to become an influential figure in the music scene of nineteenth-century Dublin. Her talent and passion for music saw her compose and arrange numerous works, some of which were published and performed, including the choral piece "The bells of Shandon".

Aside from her compositional work, Annie Patterson was also a prolific writer on music, contributing articles to various publications of the time. Her articles focused on the role of women in music, discussing the contribution made by female composers to Dublin's musical history. Fanny Robinson, Elena Norton, and Patterson herself were amongst the female composers whose music she wrote and championed in her articles.

Despite being active at a time when women were largely excluded from the music industry, Patterson remained unapologetic about her gender and her desire to pursue music. She encouraged other women to do the same and made a significant contribution to the growth of the role of women in music in Dublin during the nineteenth century.

Annie Patterson passed away on 16 January 1934. Her legacy continues to inspire and her music and writings remain a testament to her skill and achievements as a composer and educator.

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