Home Composers Carlo Alfredo Piatti

Carlo Alfredo Piatti

Short bio Carlo Alfredo Piatti

Birthday: 1822
Died: 1901

Full biography Carlo Alfredo Piatti

photo Carlo Alfredo Piatti

Carlo Alfredo Piatti (1822-1901) was a renowned Italian cellist, composer, and teacher. He is considered one of the most significant cellists of the 19th century. Piatti was born on January 8, 1822, in Bergamo, Italy, and began to show musical talent at a young age. At just nine years old, Piatti debuted as a solo cellist in Milan, and by nineteen, he had already performed in numerous cities across Europe, including London and Paris.

Piatti composed more than 80 works, mainly for the cello, including concertos, sonatas, and chamber music. He is remembered for his virtuosic compositions for the cello, which remain popular among musicians today. One of his most famous works is the Twelve Caprices for solo cello, Op. 25, which is considered an essential part of the cello repertoire.

In addition to his career as a composer, Piatti was also a highly respected cello teacher. He held positions at the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Liceo Musicale in Milan, where he taught some of the most prominent cellists of the time.

Throughout his career, Piatti received numerous honors, including the title of "King of Cellists" by the English press. He died on July 18, 1901, in Mozzo, Italy, and is buried in Bergamo, where he spent much of his life.

Today, Carlo Alfredo Piatti's legacy lives on through his compositions and the many musicians who continue to perform and study his works.

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