Home Composers Benjamin Carl Unseld

Benjamin Carl Unseld

Short bio Benjamin Carl Unseld

Birthday: 1843
Died: 1923

Full biography Benjamin Carl Unseld

photo Benjamin Carl Unseld

Benjamin Carl Unseld (1843-1923) was a prominent gospel music teacher , composer, and publisher. He was born on October 18, 1843, in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, and passed away on November 19, 1923. Unseld had a passion for music from a young age and became a skilled musician at a young age, mastering several instruments.

Unseld was known for his contributions to gospel music and was a significant figure in the hymn-writing community. He was responsible for composing several well-known hymns, including "Twilight is Stealing" and "Sweet Day". Apart from composing, Unseld was also an editor and composer for the "The Voice of Praise," which was a publication that contained hymns and other musical pieces.

Unseld was a significant influence on gospel music in the late 19th century and early 20th century. He founded the Ben Unseld Music Company in Nashville, Tennessee, which was one of the first publishers of gospel music in the country. He was also instrumental in teaching and mentoring many of the early prominent gospel music composers and performers.

Overall, Benjamin Carl Unseld made significant contributions to the world of gospel music and was a beloved teacher, composer, and publisher. His legacy lives on through his hymns and the impact he had on the gospel music community.

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