Home Composers Bartolome de Escobedo

Bartolome de Escobedo

Short bio Bartolome de Escobedo

Birthday: 1505
Died: 1563

Full biography Bartolome de Escobedo

photo Bartolome de Escobedo

Bartolome de Escobedo was a Spanish composer during the Renaissance era, born in the late 15th century in Burgos, Spain. Not much is known about his early life, but he is recognized for his contributions to the musical world. Escobedo is regarded as a significant figure in the Spanish Renaissance music scene, with most of his works relying heavily on sacred music.

He served as the maestro di capella (chapel master) of the Spanish royal court's chapel, becoming the first Spanish composer to hold this position. Escobedo's works were performed during the era of the Catholic monarchy of the Habsburg kings, and his style was characterized by simplicity, harmonization of sections, melodic counterpoint, and polychoral techniques.

Escobedo's major works include six masses, four Magnificats, two sets of Lamentations, and a small number of villancicos for the Christmas season. His most popular works were probably his two books of vesper psalms, which were published in 1583 and 1584, and featured prominent works like "Dixit Dominus" and "Laetatus sum."

Escobedo's works have been influential in the Spanish Renaissance, with notable composers such as Alonso Lobo being impacted by his compositions. Although not well-known worldwide, he remains respected in Spain due to his contributions to the nation's music scene. Bartolome de Escobedo died in Madrid, Spain, in 1563, leaving behind a legacy that would go on to inspire generations of Spanish composers.

Compositions featuring Bartolome de Escobedo

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Missa Philippus Rex Hispaniæ 40:29 min Choral 1556

Albums featuring Bartolome de Escobedo

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Bartolomeo de Escobedo – A Sei Voci, Les Sacqueboutiers De Toulouse, Choeur Philippus Rex Hispaniae, Bernard Fabre-Garrus – Missa Philippus Rex Hispaniæ Bartolomeo de Escobedo – A Sei Voci, Les Sacqueboutiers De Toulouse, Choeur Philippus Rex Hispaniae, Bernard Fabre-Garrus – Missa Philippus Rex Hispaniæ 1998 Astrée Auvidis
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