Home Composers Austin Wintory

Austin Wintory

Short bio Austin Wintory

Birthday: 1984

Full biography Austin Wintory

photo Austin Wintory

Austin Wintory is an American composer who has made a name for himself in the fields of film and video game scores. He was born on September 9, 1984, and began writing and conducting music by the age of sixteen. After a successful high school career composing for student orchestras , he studied at NYU and USC with renowned composers such as Morten Lauridsen.

Throughout his career, Wintory has worked on a diverse range of projects, including film, video games, and concert music. He has been nominated for a Grammy award and has won two BAFTA awards for his contributions to the music industry.

Wintory is known for his ability to adapt his style to fit the needs of each individual project. He believes that having a different creative process for each project he works on keeps his music fresh and unique. In his own words, "If I had the same exact process every single time , I'd probably end up writing music that sounded very similar."

Some of his notable works include the scores for video games "Journey" and "Assassin's Creed Syndicate," as well as the films "Captain Abu Raed" and "Grace."

In addition to his music career , Wintory is also an active member of the gaming community, and frequently collaborates with game developers and other musicians to create interactive and immersive experiences for players.

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