Home Composers August Eberhard Muller

August Eberhard Muller

Short bio August Eberhard Muller

Birthday: 1767
Died: 1817

Full biography August Eberhard Muller

photo August Eberhard Muller

August Eberhard Müller (1767-1817) was a German composer, organist, and choir leader. He was born in Northeim, a town in Lower Saxony, Germany. He was trained by his organist father and later studied music in Göttingen and Leipzig. Müller composed a variety of works, including concertos, keyboard music, chamber music, and choral works. He is chiefly remembered as a keyboard composer and wrote much piano and flute music.

Müller's early works were heavily influenced by Mozart , but his later compositions had a more personal and mature style. His writing is characterized by its dark and dramatic tone, and his music often has unexpected twists and turns. Some of his most well-known works include the Concerto in E minor for Flute and Piano, Op. 19, and his cadenzas to Mozart's Piano Concertos.

Besides being a composer, Müller was also a talented pianist, organist, conductor, and flautist. He served as the Thomaskantor in Leipzig from 1794 to 1803, succeeding Johann Adam Hiller. During his time in Leipzig, he wrote several church cantatas and other choral works.

Müller's life was cut short when he died in Weimar at the age of 49. Despite his relatively short life, his music has continued to be performed and admired to this day.

Albums featuring August Eberhard Muller

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: August Eberhard Müller, Tatjana Ruhland, Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, Timo Handschuh – Flute Concertos 1, 3 & 10(CD, Album) August Eberhard Müller, Tatjana Ruhland, Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, Timo Handschuh – Flute Concertos 1, 3 & 10(CD, Album) 2018 cpo
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