Home Composers Adolf Muller Sr.

Adolf Muller Sr.

Short bio Adolf Muller Sr.

Birthday: 1801
Died: 1886
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque, Renaissance, Romantic

Full biography Adolf Muller Sr.

photo Adolf Muller Sr.

Adolf Muller Sr. (1801-1886) was an Austrian composer who is best known for his operettas. Born on October 7, 1801 in Tolna, Hungary, Muller initially pursued a career as an actor and singer before turning to composition. He went on to compose numerous operettas, including "Die Flucht in die Liebe" and "Der Rathor".

Muller's operettas were well-received during his lifetime and helped to establish the popularity of the genre in Austria. His works were characterized by their light melodies and catchy rhythms, which made them popular with audiences of the time. Muller was also known for his collaborations with librettists such as Richard Genée, who worked with Muller on several of his most famous works.

Muller's influence can still be felt in the world of opera and operetta today. Many of his works continue to be performed and enjoyed by audiences around the world. His legacy as a composer and innovator in the field of operetta lives on through his music and the countless performers who continue to interpret and bring his works to life.

Compositions featuring Adolf Muller Sr.

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Couplet des Schmafu (Schmafu Couplet) 2:58 min Vocal Music -
2 Sonata in C major 4:25 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
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