Home Composers Antonio Scontrino

Antonio Scontrino

Short bio Antonio Scontrino

Birthday: 1850
Died: 1922
Genre: Classical

Full biography Antonio Scontrino

photo Antonio Scontrino

Antonio Scontrino was an Italian composer who was born in Trapani in 1850 and died in 1922 at the age of 71. He is known for his work as a virtuoso performer and composer of double bass music, and began studying the instrument at an early age. In addition to his compositions for double bass, Scontrino also wrote operas and chamber music.

Despite his talent and contributions to the world of music, Scontrino is not as well-known as some other Italian composers of his time, such as Giacomo Puccini. However, his music continues to be performed and studied to this day.

In terms of his personal life, not much is widely known about Scontrino. He was contemporaneous with some other famous figures such as the Romanian conductor, writer and composer Nicolae Moldoveanu and the Italian composer Ildebrando Pizzetti. Scontrino died in 1922, the same year as several other notable musicians such as Arthur Nikisch, a Hungarian conductor who was the primary conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, and Giovanni Verga, an Italian writer known for his work in the Verismo movement.

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