Home Composers Andreas Pevernage

Andreas Pevernage

Short bio Andreas Pevernage

Birthday: 1542
Died: 1591
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Andreas Pevernage

photo Andreas Pevernage

Andreas Pevernage (1542/1543 – 30 July 1591) was a Flemish composer of the late Renaissance period. He was born in Hooglede, West Flanders, and spent most of his life in Bruges, where he held various positions as a choirmaster and musician. Pevernage was one of the minority of composers who managed to achieve recognition during their lifetime, and his music was quite popular in his day.

Pevernage's compositions were mainly sacred, reflecting the widespread use of the polyphonic style in the Catholic Church during the Renaissance. They were known for their complexity and sophistication, and often featured dense harmonies and intricate counterpoint. One of his most notable works is the Cantiones Sacrae, a collection of motets and madrigals published in 1578, which includes some of his most accomplished and innovative pieces.

Pevernage's other compositions include masses, hymns, chansons, and other types of vocal music. His works were widely performed throughout Europe during his lifetime and had a considerable influence on the development of Renaissance music. In addition to his own compositions, he was also known for his collaborations with other composers and his work as a music teacher and choirmaster.

Today, Pevernage's music is still performed and admired by fans of Renaissance music. While his name may not be as familiar as some of his contemporaries, his contributions to the development of early music are significant and enduring.

Compositions featuring Andreas Pevernage

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 La vita fugge, madrigal for 2 voices 2:09 min Vocal Music -
2 Tousiours l'amant, chanson for 5 voices 2:04 min Vocal Music -
3 Susanne un iour, chanson for 5 voices 3:13 min Vocal Music -
4 Si dessus voz levres de roses, chanson for 4 voices 2:54 min Vocal Music -
5 Salve Regina, motet 9:03 min Choral -
6 Quando la voce, madrigal for 4 voices 3:55 min Vocal Music -
7 Quand je voy tout le monde rire, song 2:49 min Vocal Music -
8 Pleurez, Muses, for 5 voices 4:35 min Choral -
9 Pater noster, for 5 voices 2:58 min Choral -
10 Osculetur me, motet 1:18 min Vocal Music -
11 Onques amour ne fut sans grand' langueur, song 1:50 min Vocal Music -
12 Misericorde au povre vicieux, for 5 voices 2:31 min Choral -
13 Laude pia Dominum, motet for 5 voices 1:30 min Vocal Music -
14 Las, me faut il, chanson for 5 voices 3:50 min Vocal Music -
15 Benedictio et claritas, for 5 voices 4:10 min Choral -
16 Je suis tellement amoureux 1:31 min Vocal Music -
17 Je porte tes couleurs, for voices & ensemble 2:26 min Choral -
18 Infinita beltà ch'in voi risplende, madrigal for 5 voices 2:31 min Vocal Music -
19 Il dolce sonno, madrigal for 5 voices 2:54 min Vocal Music -
20 Gloria in Excelsis Deo 1:29 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
21 Deux que le trait d'Amour touche bien vivement, chanson for 2 voices 6:32 min Vocal Music -
22 D'estre amoureux, for 5 voices 2:04 min Vocal Music -
23 Cor mundum crea in me Deus, for 6 voices (Florilegium selectissimarum cantionum, No. 26) 4:08 min Choral -
24 Congratulamini mihi omnes, motet 7:52 min Vocal Music -
25 Clio, chantons disertement, for 6 voices 4:36 min Choral -
26 Ces deux yeux bruns (De ces deux yeux), chanson for 5 voices 3:43 min Vocal Music -
27 Bonjour mon coeur, chanson 2:21 min Vocal Music -
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