Home Composers Alfred La Liberte

Alfred La Liberte

Short bio Alfred La Liberte

Birthday: 1882
Died: 1952

Full biography Alfred La Liberte

photo Alfred La Liberte

Alfred La Libert (1882-1952) was a Canadian composer , pianist, writer on music, and music educator. He was born in Quebec and studied piano with Alphonse Martin and Nicholas Eichorn in Montreal, as well as with Isidor Philipp and Raoul Pugno in Paris. La Libert was also a student of renowned composer and theoretician Alexander Scriabin, whose music greatly influenced La Libert's own compositions.

La Libert was not only a celebrated pianist, but also a prolific composer. He wrote in a variety of genres, including piano pieces, songs, chamber music, and orchestral works. His compositions were often characterized by their virtuosic piano writing and their use of rich harmonies and tonal colors.

La Libert was also a respected writer on music, and he had a particular interest in the work of Scriabin. In addition to writing liner notes and essays on music, La Libert authored a biography of Scriabin titled "Alexander Scriabine: sa vie et son oeuvre" ("Alexander Scriabin: His Life and Work").

Throughout his career, La Libert was highly involved in music education. He taught at the Music School of McGill University in Montreal, where he was a colleague of fellow composer Hector Gratton, and later served as the director of the Quebec City Conservatory of Music.

Today, La Libert's compositions are still performed and admired by musicians and audiences alike, and his contributions to music education and music journalism continue to be recognized.

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