Home Terms colla


Meaning of "colla" in music

In music, the term "colla" is used in various contexts and has different meanings. Here are a few examples:

1. **Colla voce**: This term is used to indicate that the instrumental accompaniment should follow the solo voice. It means to play the same notes as the vocal part and accommodate the tempo, expression, and phrasing of the vocalist .

2. **Colla parte**: This term is used to indicate that another written-out part should be followed. It means to accommodate the tempo, expression, phrasing, and possible rubato of the leading part. In vocal music, it can also be expressed as "colla voce".

3. **Colla sinistra**: This term is used as a direction in keyboard music to indicate playing with the left hand.

4. **Colla destra**: This term is used as a direction in music to indicate playing with the right hand.

It's important to note that the meaning of "colla" can vary depending on the specific musical context in which it is used.

Italian word for "with" or "with the" used in common musical terminology. Also col, coll' and colle.

See col arco; col basso; col destra; col legno; col punta d'arco; col sinistra; coll' ottava; colla parte; and colla voce.

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Noun. colla f (plural colles) group, gang, band synonyms ▲ Synonyms: grup, banda, ardat. a team of practitioners of certain traditional activities, such as castells building or sardana dancing.

​COLLA PARTE or COLLA VOCE, 'with the part,' denoting that the tempo of the accompaniment is to be accommodated to that of the solo instrument or voice.

colla voce (It.), with the voice. An indication to an accompanist carefully to take his tempos and rhythm from the soloist. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music.

Colla voce literally means with the voice, and refers to the out of tempo accompaniment to a singer or solo instrumentalist.

"Colla" comes from a Greek word meaning glue.

In Irish Baby Names the meaning of the name Colla is: An ancient Irish name whos meaning is lost in antiquety.

: on or from one side or party only - used of legal proceedings.

Bonaparte is a French and Italian surname. It derives from Italian bona (buona) 'good' and parte 'solution' or 'match' (a name bestowed as an expression of satisfaction at a newborn's arrival).

Accelerando (accel.) Getting gradually faster Rallentando (rall.) Getting gradually slower Calando Softer and slower Ritardando (ritard., rit.) Retarding the speed Ritenuto (riten.)

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collagen (n.) also collogen, structural protein of connective tissue, 1843, from French collagène, from Latinized form of Greek kolla "glue" + -gen "giving birth to" (see -gen).

Day. Let's start with the most. Common phrase i love you this phrase is direct you should use it only when you're confessing. Your. Love if you want to be less direct you can use this phrase.

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