Home Terms clé d'ut cinquième ligne

clé d'ut cinquième ligne

La clé d'ut cinquième ligne en musique fait référence à une clé de sol placée sur la cinquième ligne de la portée musicale. La clé de sol est l'un des trois symboles de clé utilisés dans la notation musicale moderne, les autres étant la clé de fa et la clé de do. La clé de sol est utilisée pour indiquer la position de la note sol sur la portée, et elle est généralement utilisée pour les voix supérieures et les instruments à haute tessiture. La clé d'ut cinquième ligne est également appelée clé d'ut 5e ligne ou clé d'ut en cinquième ligne.


A French term for the c clef version of the baritone clef.

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Popular questions related to clé d'ut cinquième ligne

to yield A musical directive to the performer to yield, or slow down.

en cédant. yielding. en dehors. prominent. A direction to make the melody stand out.

rah-tay-NOO-toe. A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a restrained manner, or held back in rhythm or time.

: to give control of (something) to another person, group, government, etc. Russia ceded Alaska to the U.S. in 1867. The state had to cede [=relinquish] part of their territory. The country had no choice but to cede [=surrender] control of the canal.

to give control or possession of something, esp. land to someone else, often unwillingly or because forced to do so: New Orleans was ceded to Spain in 1763.

Legcuffs are physical restraints used on the ankles of a person to allow walking only with a restricted stride and to prevent running and effective physical resistance. Frequently used alternative terms are leg cuffs, (leg/ankle) shackles, footcuffs, fetters or leg irons.

Some common synonyms of restrain are bridle, check, and curb. While all these words mean "to hold back from or control in doing something," restrain suggests holding back by force or persuasion from acting or from going to extremes.

go away from; withdraw; yield -cede-, root. -cede- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "go away from; withdraw; yield.

Cession is the act of giving up something, usually land, by the agreement in a formal treaty. For example, after a war, a losing country might make a cession of part of its land to the victor.

In certain limited situations, when a patient poses a significant danger to self or others, it may be appropriate to restrain the patient involuntarily. In such situations, the least restrictive restraint reasonable should be implemented and the restraint should be removed promptly when no longer needed.

The most common reasons for restraints in health care agencies are to prevent falls, to prevent injury to self and/or others and to protect medically necessary tubes and catheters such as an intravenous line and a tracheostomy tube, for example.

Restraints may be used to keep a person in proper position and prevent movement or falling during surgery or while on a stretcher. Restraints can also be used to control or prevent harmful behavior. Sometimes hospital patients who are confused need restraints so that they do not: Scratch their skin.

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