Home Terms Cl.


Meaning of "Cl." in Music

In music, the abbreviation "Cl." can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possible interpretations:

1. **Chorus Line**: In musical theater, "Cl." can stand for "Chorus Line," referring to a group of performers who sing and dance together as part of a larger production.

2. **Clarinet**: "Cl." can also represent the instrument clarinet. It is commonly used in orchestras, concert bands, and various genres of music.

3. **Classical**: In some cases, "Cl." may be an abbreviation for "Classical," referring to the genre of music that emerged in the late 18th century and is characterized by its formal structure and adherence to specific compositional techniques.

It's important to note that the meaning of "Cl." can vary depending on the specific musical context. If you have a particular song or piece of music in mind, providing more details would allow for a more accurate interpretation.

The abbreviation for Clarinet.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the terms:

Popular questions related to Cl.

Clarinet (C., Cl. or Clt.)

bass clarinet b-cl. bass clarinet. cl in A. clarinet in A. cl in E|b.

Abbreviations in music are of two kinds, namely, abbreviations of terms related to musical expression, and the true musical abbreviations by the help of which certain passages, chords, etc., may be notated in a shortened form, to the greater convenience of both composer and performer.

The c. stands for circa which means about or approximately. You may also see it as ca. Pretty much it means means that you should play the piece around a tempo of 108 bpm. You could play it a little faster or slower the 108 it just to get you in the range of where the composer would want you to play it.

In baseball, a closing pitcher, more frequently referred to as a closer (abbreviated CL), is a relief pitcher who specializes in getting the final outs in a close game when his team is leading.

Bachelor of Civil Law Bachelor of Civil Law, the term used to describe a variety of legal degrees offered by universities in English-speaking countries (as distinct from Canon Law and Common Law)

It is said that everything was caused by a monk in the Middle Ages who wrote his music down in such a bad handwriting that many copiers interpreted the "b" as an "h". In the course of time, this spelling mistake was never noticed and established itself in some regions, and this is how the note name "h" came about.

This one you may remember from grammar school. The acronym many students use for the lines of the treble clef is EGBDF- Every Good Boy Does Fine. The bottom line is E, then G, B, D, & F. This acronym, along with FACE gives you all the names of every note on each line and space note.

Violoncello Violoncello (cello, violoncello) vc.

© Copyright & ℗ Phonographic copyright The © 'C in a circle' is the normal copyright symbol and can be applied to most types of work. The ℗ 'P in a circle', is referred to as the sound recording, phonorecords, phonogram or phonographic copyright symbol.

"A" had no significance beyond being the lowest note - as it still is on modern piano keyboards. There was no mode on C either. It was only as harmony began to develop in the early Renaissance, and Ionian and Aeolian were added to the list, that it was realised that Ionian - the mode on C - had a valuable property.

Closer (CL): Usually the team's best relief pitcher, who specializes in getting batters out in the final innings.

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