Home Terms bravo


Meaning of "Bravo" in Music

In the context of music, the term "bravo" is an exclamation used to express approval or admiration for a performer, typically after an impressive or captivating performance. It is commonly shouted by audience members to show their appreciation and enthusiasm for the artist's talent and skill.

The word "bravo" originated from the Italian language, where it is used as a masculine form of the exclamation. However, when addressing a female performer, the feminine form "brava" is used instead.

It is important to note that the use of "bravo" or "brava" in music is not limited to any specific genre or style. It can be heard in various musical contexts, including classical music, opera, pop, and more.

So, when you hear someone shout "bravo" at the end of a musical performance, it is a way of expressing their admiration and applause for the artist's talent and the impact of their performance on the audience.

An exclamation of approval often used after particularly moving opera performances (often after arias) meaning excellent or very good.

Popular questions related to bravo

: a shout of approval. often used interjectionally in applauding a performance. bravo.

Some people say 'bravo' to express appreciation when someone has done something well. 'Bravo, Rena!

Brave Bravo” is used to honor a single male performer, while “Brava” honors a single female performer. A group of men and women are honored with “Bravi”. And a group of female performers are honored with “Brave” (pronounced brah-vay). #

Italian Etymology. Borrowed from Italian bravo.

A number of performers who had been a witness to the performance clapped their hands and shouted "bravo!" Ah, bravo! Lady Agatha clapped her hands together. Bravo!

bravo (interj.) "well done!," 1761, from Italian bravo, literally "brave" (see brave (adj.)). Earlier in English it was a noun meaning "desperado, hired killer" (1590s). The superlative form is bravissimo.

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Bravo means to show delight or joy when some event just took place. This is a kind of expression or feeling which expresses the happiness inside the person. This word usually has a typical usage in the grammar.

You will say “Bravo” (Brah-voh) for a single male performer. You will say “Brava” (Brah-vah) for a single female performer. You will say “Bravi” (Brah-vee) to a group of all male performers or a mix of male and female performers. You will say “Brave” (Brah-vay) to a group of all female performers.

However, brava is reserved specifically for women. Brava can also simply mean “good.” While bravo is the most popular form that is widely used for everyone regardless of gender outside of Italy, it is an alternate option if you want to showcase some grammatically correct Italian at the theater.

bravo is gender. Both words convey the same thing, and both share a literal translation in Italian to the word brave. Native Italian speakers would use bravo when addressing a man and brava when addressing a woman. English speakers, however, tend to use bravo in all situations.

bravo. (exclamation) in the sense of congratulations. Definition. well done!

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