Home Terms basso profundo

basso profundo

The lowest male bass voice that emphasizes the low, rich tessitura.

Popular questions related to basso profundo

a bass singer 1. : a bass singer. especially : an operatic bass. 2. : a low deep voice.

Basso profondo (Italian: "deep bass"), sometimes basso profundo, contrabass or oktavist, is the lowest bass voice type.

British English: deep /diːp/ ADJECTIVE. If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something. The water was very deep. American English: deep /ˈdip/

While the bass range should extend to E2 (E below middle C), the basso-profundo is expected to be able to sing at least to the C below that with a strong sound. For most men, extending the upper range takes work but is quite feasible; extending the lower range is much more difficult.

An example is C. P. E. Bach's Concerto in D minor for flute, strings and basso continuo. Examples of its use in the 19th century are rarer, but they do exist: masses by Anton Bruckner, Beethoven, and Franz Schubert, for example, have a basso continuo part for an organist to play.

In all cases, observe the following:

  1. No parallel fifths or octaves between any pair of voices.
  2. No contrary fifths or octaves between outer voices.
  3. Do not approach an octave between the outer voices by similar motion unless the melody moves by step. (All other direct/hidden fifths and octaves are permissible.)

Yes, a true bass voice, particularly one with a deep and resonant Basso Profondo range, is relatively rare compared to other vocal types. The rarity of true bass voices can be attributed to several factors: Genetics: A person's vocal range and timbre are heavily influenced by their anatomical structure.

Women's voices are divided into three groups: soprano, mezzo-soprano, and contralto. Men's voices are divided into four groups : countertenor, tenor, baritone, and bass.

profundo - translated from Spanish to English We had a profound conversation about our feelings. Nuestros expertos tienen un profundo conocimiento del sector. Our experts have extensive knowledge in the field.

1. : low and deep sound : the lowest range of sounds used in music.

C2 We noted that the operatic basso profondo sings down to D2 or C2 at the lowest, though lower notes have been recorded. [4] The lowest written notes in the Russian choral repertoire are substantially lower than that of opera.

Basso continuo refers to a continuous bass line with improvised harmonies in Baroque period music. The term can also refer to the instruments that play the bass line and harmonies.

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