Home Terms A sharp

A sharp

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A sharp raises a note or tone, and a flat lowers a note or tone. A sharp note makes a tone sound a semitone or pitch higher. A flat makes a note sound a semitone or pitch lower. Sharps and flats have different symbols (# and b respectively). They can be changed from accidentals to natural notes with a natural sign.

Right of f. Usually a hashtag pound or number sign is used to represent the shop.

one half step higher : a musical note or tone one half step higher than a note or tone named.

The symbol that looks like a pound sign or hashtag is a sharp sign. It indicates that the note it precedes should be raised by a semitone. The note in the example is a C-sharp.

flats On a piano keyboard, all of the black keys can be notated as “sharps.” (They can also be notated as “flats.”) Any note can be a sharp or a flat - even white keys on the piano. For instance, the note F (a white key on the piano) can also be notated as E-sharp.

Synonyms: acute, intense. extremely sharp or intense. cutting, keen, knifelike, lancinate, lancinating, piercing, stabbing.

A sharp point or edge is very thin and can cut through things very easily. A sharp knife, tool, or other object has a point or edge of this kind. The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick. Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits.

A double-sharp (##) is an accidental for a note that has two sharps. This means the original note is raised by two half-steps. In standard music notation the double-sharp symbol resembles a bold letter "x" but can also appear as ##.

/ˈʃɑːrp ʃɑːrp/ (also sharp) (South African English, informal) ​used to express approval or agreement.

severe, intense. adj. distinct, well-defined. adj. stylish.

The word hashtag, used to refer to the symbol (#) in Twitter, is a combination of the word hash from hash mark and the word tag, a way to mark something as belonging to a specific category.

It's actually supposed to be the musical sharp symbol. However, because the sharp symbol is not present on the standard keyboard, it's easier to type the hash symbol (#). The name of the language is, of course, pronounced 'see sharp'."

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