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Meaning of "Whip" in Music

In the context of music, the meaning of "whip" can vary depending on the specific song or genre. Here are a few different interpretations:

1. **"Whip" as a dance move**: In some songs, "whip" refers to a specific dance move. For example, the song "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" by Silento became popular for its catchy dance instructions, including the "whip" move.

2. **"Whip" as a metaphor**: In other cases, "whip" may be used metaphorically to convey a sense of movement, energy, or action. For instance, in the song "Weekend Whip" by The Fold, the lyrics "We just jump up, kick back, whip around and spin" suggest a dynamic and lively activity.

3. **"Whip" as a slang term**: Additionally, "whip" can be used as slang in certain music genres, particularly hip-hop, to refer to a luxurious or stylish car. However, it's important to note that this slang usage is not directly related to the meaning of "whip" in the songs mentioned earlier.

It's worth mentioning that the meaning of "whip" can vary depending on the specific song or artist, so it's always important to consider the context and lyrics of the particular song in question.

See slapstick.

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whip noun (DEVICE FOR HITTING) a piece of leather or rope that is fastened to a stick, used for hitting animals or people: She lashed the horses mercilessly with her long whip.

In the early automobile era, the steering wheel became known as the whip. In more modern times, various hiphop artists noticed that the Mercedes Benz logo resembled a steering wheel, which as mentioned was also known as the whip. So by association, the Mercedes Benz and later any fancy car was called a whip.

To flagellate is to hit or beat, especially with a whip.

A whip is a cord or piece of leather used for hitting an animal or a person, and to whip something or someone is to strike them with a whip. You can also figuratively whip an opponent or whip someone in shape.

Crack 'Crack' is the sound that is commonly associated with 'a whip'. 'A whip' produces a sharp sound that can be described as slicing through the air while it is lashed. 'Crack' fits this description perfectly since it is a sudden sharp or explosive sound.

When cream is whipped, small air bubbles become trapped in the mixture. Meanwhile, the fat, which exists as fairly stable droplets inside a cream carton, begins to break up when whizzed around with a whisk.

The term "whip" comes from a fox-hunting expression - "whipper-in" - referring to the member of the hunting team responsible for keeping the dogs from straying from the team during a chase.

24. Whip. Meaning: Whip is another word for car. Example: “That is one nice whip you've got there.

Whipping is similar to beating, but the two are not synonyms. Whipping means to beat vigorously in order to incorporate a large amount of air into an ingredient or mixture.

Flagellation (Latin flagellum, 'whip'), flogging or whipping is the act of beating the human body with special implements such as whips, rods, switches, the cat o' nine tails, the sjambok, the knout, etc.

Synonyms of whip (noun length of material for hitting) cane. bat. belt. birch. cat-o'-nine-tails.

The initial impulse given to a whip is of moderate velocity, usually less than a tenth of the speed of sound, and within a few meters this impulse moves to velocities two or three times larger than the speed of sound.

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