Home Terms tricinium


Meaning of Tricinium in Music

In the context of music, the term "tricinium" refers to a song or composition for three voices or parts. The word is derived from the Latin "tricinium," which means "song by three". It is worth noting that the term "tricinium" is not commonly used in contemporary music discussions and is more rarely found.

A three part polyphonic composition of the Renaissance or Baroque eras.

Popular questions related to tricinium

1. : one of three babies that are born at the same time to the same mother - usually plural. She had triplets. [=she gave birth to three babies]

Whole note rest: Also known as a whole rest or a semibreve rest, this symbol represents a musical pause that is the length of a whole note. In a 4/4 time signature, a whole rest tells the player to pause for the whole bar. On a five-line musical staff, a whole rest hovers just below the fourth line. 2.

In English grammar and morphology, triplets or word triplets are three distinct words derived from the same source but at different times and by different paths, such as place, plaza, and piazza (all from the Latin platea, a broad street). In most cases, such words have the same ultimate origin in Latin.

Types of triplets include:

  • Fraternal triplets: When three separate eggs become fertilized.
  • Identical triplets: They occur when one fertilized egg splits into three embryos.
  • Mixed triplets: When two babies are identical and one is fraternal.

intervals of silence Rests are intervals of silence in pieces of music, marked by symbols indicating the length of the silence. Each rest symbol and name corresponds with a particular note value, indicating how long the silence should last, generally as a multiplier of a measure or whole note. American English.

The whole rest or semibreve rest is also a rectangular musical shape. These rests hang down from the fourth line of the staff and likewise measures half the length of the fourth space. Whole rests are analogous to whole notes. Like the whole note, the whole rest lasts for a length of four beats in a 4/4 time signature.

An example of a song using a triple meter (and therefore triplet rhythms) is Til There Was You from The Music Man.

A triplet is written by putting a “3” over the top of the notes to show that 3 notes should fit in where there would normally only be 2. So in this example the “3” over the top of the crotchets means that 3 crotchets adds up to 2 beats instead of 3.

triplets plural : a group of three offspring born at one birth. 3.

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two crotchet beats A minim lasts for two crotchet beats. A quaver lasts for half a crotchet beat - so there are two to the time of a crotchet.

Rests play a key part in creating and maintaining the rhythm and melody for a piece of music also. Along with this, musical rests are also practical and help musicians play their instruments, as they allow them to catch their breath.

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