Home Terms Subbassschlüssel


The term "Subbassschlüssel" in music refers to the subbass clef, which is a type of musical clef used to notate very low pitches. It is also known as the contrabass clef or F clef on the fifth line of the staff. The subbass clef locates the note F3 (below middle C) on the fifth line. It is an older version of the F clef and reads the same as the treble clef. The subbass clef is used primarily in vocal music and for instruments that have a very low range, such as the double bass or contrabassoon.

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Hear this out loudPauseforzando/forzato signifies a forceful accent, abbreviated as fz. To enhance the effect, subito often precedes it as sfz (subito forzato/forzando, sforzando/sforzato).

Hear this out loudPausemusic (preceding or following a dynamic marking, etc) suddenly; immediately: Abbreviation: sub.

Hear this out loudPausetim·​bre ˈtam-bər ˈtim- : the quality of a sound or musical tone determined by its overtones and different for each voice or instrument.

Hear this out loudPauseMusic is a collection of coordinated sound or sounds. Making music is the process of putting sounds and tones in an order, often combining them to create a unified composition. People who make music creatively organize sounds for a desired result, like a Beethoven symphony or one of Duke Ellington's jazz songs.

Hear this out loudPausef: abbreviation of forte meaning "loud" ff: abbreviation of fortissimo meaning "very loud" fff: abbreviation of fortississimo meaning "very, very loud"

Hear this out loudPausef. forte (loud) ff. fortissimo (very loud) These terms have no absolute values and are relative to one another according to the context of the music.

Hear this out loudPauseOn this model, sub- is freely attached to elements of any origin and used with the meaning “under,” “below,” “beneath” ( subalpine; substratum), “slightly,” “imperfectly,” “nearly” (subcolumnar; subtropical), “secondary,” “subordinate” (subcommittee; subplot) 2. Chemistry. a. a prefix indicating a basic compound.

under, below Hear this out loudPausePrefix. Middle English, from Latin, under, below, secretly, from below, near, from sub under, close to - more at up.

Hear this out loudPauseAn example of timbre is the tone or color of a voice or an instrument's sound. The timbre of musical instruments, such as a piano playing an A4 note in comparison with a guitar playing the same note, distinguish the difference between the two instruments and how their timbres differ.

Hear this out loudPauseIt means the unique or special sound that a thing makes. Imagine the sound of a flute. Now imagine the sound of a trumpet. They sound different, right? The unique, special sound each instrument makes is called its timbre.

Hear this out loudPauseSo next time you are listening to a piece of music, try to separate out the parts and listen to how each of the Elements of Music are being used. Listen for the Dynamics, Form, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, Texture, Timbre and Tonality. You might even want to start keeping a listening journal of the music you hear.

Hear this out loudPauseThe Full form of MUSIC is Mind Uninterrupted Soulful Intriguing Caravan, or MUSIC stands for Mind Uninterrupted Soulful Intriguing Caravan, or the full name of given abbreviation is Mind Uninterrupted Soulful Intriguing Caravan.

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