Home Terms strascinando


Meaning of "Strascinando" in Music

In music, "strascinando" is an Italian term that indicates a passage should be played in a heavily slurred manner or with a dragging tempo. It can also refer to a rhythmic motion resembling shuffling. The term is often used to direct performers to keep the bow close to the strings in order to slur or bind the notes .

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A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a dragging manner or to perform the passage slowly.

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a dragging manner STRAH-shee-NAHN-doe. [Italian] A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a dragging manner or to perform the passage slowly.

getragen ( Ger. ) Solemnly, in a stately tempo giocoso Playful gioioso With joy giusto Strict, exact, right (e.g. tempo giusto in strict time) glissando.

/streɪ/ to travel along a route that was not originally intended, or to move outside a limited area: A herd of cattle had strayed into the road.

1. to wander away, as from the correct path or from a given area. 2. to wander haphazardly.

: played with a sudden increase of force. used as a direction in music usually for special emphasis of a note, chord, or short phrase.

Metric rhythm may be isometric or multimetric. In both cases, all time values are fractions or multiples of a beat; but in isometric rhythm, the groups of beats or measures are equal, with the first beat usually accented.

1. to wander away, as from the correct path or from a given area. 2. to wander haphazardly.

to start thinking or talking about a different subject from the one you should be giving attention to: I think we've strayed too far from our original plan.

to spend or pass (time), esp. in a leisurely or pleasurable fashion. to wile away the long winter nights. See full dictionary entry for wile.

to become distracted from one's topic or main thought; to digress:In your essay you are beginning to stray from the topic in this paragraph.

Unicode Character “𝆌” (U+1D18C)

Name:Musical Symbol Rinforzando
Script:Code for undetermined script (Zyyy)
Category:Other Symbol (So)
Bidirectional Class:Left To Right (L)
Combining Class:Not Reordered (0)

dying away mo·​ren·​do. məˈren(ˌ)dō : dying away : with a gradual softening of tone and slowing of movement. used as a direction in music.

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