Home Terms Sol bemolle

Sol bemolle

Meaning of Sol bemolle in music

In music, **Sol bemolle** is the Italian term for the note **G flat**. It is represented by the letter **G** followed by the word **bemolle**, which means **flat** in Italian.

The names of musical notes can vary across different languages and countries. In Italian, the solfège names for the chromatic scale include **Sol**, **Sol diesis** (G sharp), and **Sol bemolle** (G flat).

It's important to note that the term **Sol bemolle** specifically refers to the note G flat and is used in the Italian musical tradition. Other languages and musical systems may have different names for the same note

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The names of keys in French, German, Italian, and Spanish

F sharpfa dièsefa sostenido
G flatsol bémolsol bemol
G sharpsol dièsesol sostenido

The German ligature (additional character): The letter ß, is also known as the "sharp S", "eszett" or "scharfes S", and is the only German letter that is not part of the Latin/Roman alphabet. The letter is pronounced (like the "s" in "see"). The ß is not used in any other language.

The German sequence of the basic notes (white keys on piano) is: C, D, E, F, G, A, H. The system is simple. There is no »flat« or »sharp«, just the suffixes »-es« and »-is«. And you have to keep in mind, that the German name of the English B is H.

Because of that, Germans used “H” to represent B natural and “B” to represent B flat. You still see this in use today! (Interesting note: this allowed Bach to encode his name using notes into some of his music!)

Fixed do solfège

Note namePronunciation

The name solfège is self-referential - sol and fa are two of the syllables found in that pattern: do-re-me-fa-sol-la-ti. labii reatum, Sancte Iohannes. The matching syllables are only part of what makes this so clever.

letter ß The German letter ß is a ligature and is also called a “scharfes s” (sharp s). But it's simpler than it sounds–it actually just means “ss”. The best thing about this letter? It sounds exactly like the “s” sound in English!

The German sharps and flats feature the addition of a syllable (“-is” for sharps and “-es” for most flats, with that dang “B” again being one of the exceptions), so for example F-sharp is simply “Fis”.

Solfège is a form of solmization, though the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Syllables are assigned to the notes of the scale and enable the musician to audiate, or mentally hear, the pitches of a piece of music being seen for the first time and then to sing them aloud.

Electronic music and techno Germany has the largest electronic music scene in the world and has a long tradition in and influence on almost all genres of electronic music.

In the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, and the Netherlands, as described above, B usually refers to the note a semitone below C, while B-flat refers to the note a whole tone below C.

When 1 note has 2 different names, it's called an. enharmonic.

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