Home Terms sensibilmente


Meaning of "sensibilmente" in Music

In the context of music, the term "sensibilmente" is an Italian word that translates to "sensitively" or "expressively" in English. It is used as a musical direction to indicate that a passage or piece of music should be performed with sensitivity and expressiveness, conveying the emotions and intentions of the composer. The term suggests that the performer should pay attention to nuances of dynamics, phrasing, and interpretation to bring out the emotional depth of the music.


A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition expressively, sensitively, or in a feeling manner.

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[French, sensitive - Italian, sensitive] An Italian and French directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a sensitive, perceptible or expressive manner. The French term for leading note (also note sensible) or the major seventh of a scale.

[English] The direction of a melody; the abstract quality of the motion and figure of a composition, achieved through dynamics, pitch direction, and tempo.

without the ˌsenzə- : without the (normally indicated) repeat. used as a direction in music.

1. : having, containing, or indicative of good sense or reason : rational, reasonable. sensible people. made a sensible answer.

adjective. Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions.

Form - the way music is organized and structured from beginning to end - guides composers, performers, and listeners in all musics.

Listening to (or making) music increases blood flow to brain regions that generate and control emotions. The limbic system, which is involved in processing emotions and controlling memory, “lights” up when our ears perceive music.

timeless timeless [adjective] not belonging to, or typical of, any particular time. (Translation of senza tempo from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

a musical direction to remove or play without the mute or (on the piano) with the sustaining pedal pressed down.

It may be surprising, therefore, that in today's world, they have completely different meanings. Whereas "sensible" means practical or levelheaded, "sensitive" means reactive or extremely aware. An archaic meaning of "sensible," however, is much closer to the contemporary meaning of "sensitive."

Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions. It might be sensible to get a lawyer. The sensible thing is to leave them alone. He sensibly decided to lie low for a while.

It may be surprising, therefore, that in today's world, they have completely different meanings. Whereas "sensible" means practical or levelheaded, "sensitive" means reactive or extremely aware. An archaic meaning of "sensible," however, is much closer to the contemporary meaning of "sensitive."

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