Home Terms Schlagzeugschlüssel


Meaning of Schlagzeugschlüssel in Music

In music, the term "Schlagzeugschlüssel" refers to the percussion clef or rhythm clef. It is a special clef sign used in musical notation to indicate that the pitch of the notes is indeterminate, as is the case with untuned percussion instruments.

The Schlagzeugschlüssel is also known by other names, such as the neutral clef, percussion clef, chiave neutra (Italian), clé neutre (French), and clave para percusión (Spanish). It is used specifically for percussion instruments where the pitch is not defined, such as drums, cymbals, and other untuned percussion instruments.

The use of the Schlagzeugschlüssel in musical notation helps to distinguish percussion parts from other instruments and ensures that the correct rhythms and notation are used for percussionists.

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[German, hitting things or percussion instruments] A German term for percussion instruments.

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A rattle is a type of percussion instrument which produces a sound when shaken. Rattles are described in the Hornbostel–Sachs system as Shaken Idiophones or Rattles (112.1).

They are often used to engage, excite, and elicit certain emotions from the listener. A crescendo can be abrupt and startling, or it can be more gradual to build anticipation. When a piece of music crescendos to a high point, it is almost always followed by a decrease in sound and intensity.

A crescendo is a way for composers to indicate that a passage of music should gradually increase in loudness over time (opposite of a decrease in volume, which is described as a decrescendo).

rhythm: complex rhythmic patterns, simple and compound metrical groups, often syncopated.

These patterns give music an eminently mathematical structure which means that most music is simultaneously all the same (harmonic structure), and completely different (rhythm, time, melody): again, the devil is in the details.

[Italian] A directive to perform the indicated note or chord of a composition with particular emphasis. The note or chord would be performed as if it had an accent as shown below and performed at the dynamic level indicated. It is typically shown as the abbreviation, sfz, sffz, or sfffz.

all or together Tutti is an Italian word literally meaning all or together and is used as a musical term, for the whole orchestra as opposed to the soloist. It is applied similarly to choral music, where the whole section or choir is called to sing.

Percussion instruments Percussion instruments include any instrument that makes a sound when it is hit, shaken, or scraped.

Idiophones are instruments whose own substance vibrates to produce sound (as opposed to the strings of a guitar or the air column of a flute); examples include bells, clappers, and rattles.

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