Home Terms avec la pointe de l'archet

avec la pointe de l'archet

Signification de "avec la pointe de l'archet" en musique

"**Avec la pointe de l'archet**" est une expression utilisée en musique pour indiquer une technique de jeu spécifique utilisée par les musiciens qui jouent d'un instrument à cordes frottées, comme le violon, l'alto, le violoncelle ou la contrebasse. L'expression fait référence à la façon dont l'archet est utilisé pour produire le son.

Lorsqu'un musicien joue "avec la pointe de l'archet", cela signifie qu'il utilise la partie la plus fine et pointue de l'archet pour frotter les cordes de l'instrument. Cette technique peut produire un son plus clair et plus brillant, et est souvent utilisée pour jouer des passages rapides ou des notes aiguës.

Il est important de noter que l'utilisation de la pointe de l'archet peut varier en fonction du contexte musical et des préférences du musicien. Certains passages peuvent nécessiter l'utilisation de différentes parties de l'archet, comme la partie plus épaisse près de la hausse ou le milieu de l'archet, pour obtenir différents effets sonores.

Sources:-(https://www.you.com) - "avec la pointe de l'archet"-(https://www.you.com) - Frans Absil Music | Instrument Names | Orchestral Terms | English...-(https://www.you.com) - Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music - Oxford Reference

A French term for at the point.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the terms:

Popular questions related to avec la pointe de l'archet

at the point [French, at the point (of the bow)] A French term for at the point.

noun. bow [noun] (music) a rod with horsehair stretched along it, by which the strings of a violin etc are sounded.

before, preceding, forward! avanti. (Italian) before, preceding, forward!, go on!, go ahead!

[Italian, very fast] A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition at a very fast tempo.

French: soldier's name from la pointe 'the point (of a lance), head, tip'. habitational name from Lapointe or La Pointe, names of several places in various parts of France.

What are pointe shoes and what's the point of wearing them? Pointe shoes are special shoes that allow ballerinas to dance on their toes. Ballet is about creating beautiful lines and shapes with our bodies, and pointe shoes extend our lines and give a sense of lightness and the illusion that we're floating on air.

Metric rhythm may be isometric or multimetric. In both cases, all time values are fractions or multiples of a beat; but in isometric rhythm, the groups of beats or measures are equal, with the first beat usually accented.

They are often used to engage, excite, and elicit certain emotions from the listener. A crescendo can be abrupt and startling, or it can be more gradual to build anticipation. When a piece of music crescendos to a high point, it is almost always followed by a decrease in sound and intensity.

Italian adverb : forward : come in!

slowly Adagio is the Italian word for 'slowly'. It is written on musical scores to indicate the piece should be played at a slow, leisurely tempo.

In the realm of music, allegro is an Italian tempo marking that signifies a piece to be played “fast,” “lively,” or “cheerful.” It's a directive that sets the rhythm, pace, and mood, acting as a guiding light for musicians and listeners alike.

A slow movt. is often called 'an Adagio'. adagissimo, extremely slow. adagio assai, very slow. From: adagio in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music »

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