Home Terms penando


Meaning of "penando" in music

The term "penando" does not have a specific meaning in music. It is a Spanish word that translates to "suffering" or "lamenting" in English. In the context of the song "El Son de la Negra," the lyrics mention "Por eso vivo penando," which can be translated as "That's why I live in suffering" or "That's why I suffer." The song is a sad song about lost or separated lovers.

It's important to note that the meaning of a song can vary depending on the interpretation and personal experiences of the listener. Different versions and variations of the lyrics may exist, making it difficult to determine a definitive meaning. Music has the power to convey emotions, tell stories, and evoke different feelings in listeners The interpretation of a song can be subjective and open to individual understanding.

Another Italian term for stentando.

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[Italian, carrying] A portamento for the voice, or to "carry" the sound from one note to another with a continuous slide.

Now in some musical contexts. When playing some musical instruments there isn't really a difference between these two ideas. But human voices can distinguish between them so in the opera.

Glissando is a when you slide a finger on a string from one note to another. The word comes originally from the French word glisser which means to glide. A portamento is when you slide from a note or to a note but do not connect the two notes.

So we'll have the dots above the notes or below the notes. And then they're covered with a curved line so the slur line to play a portamento or a meta staccato.

The Glide parameter (also known as portamento) sets the time it takes for the pitch of one played note to travel to the pitch of another played note.

Now the way i make the glissando on the clarinet i can use two different methods i can slowly slide my fingers off the keys which sounds like. This and i can also change my embouchure and my throat.

In music, portamento (plural: portamenti, from old Italian: portamento, meaning "carriage" or "carrying") is a pitch sliding from one note to another.

Portato is a bowing technique for stringed instruments, in which successive notes are gently re-articulated while being joined under a single continuing bow stroke. It achieves a kind of pulsation or undulation, rather than separating the notes.

In music, portamento (plural: portamenti, from old Italian: portamento, meaning "carriage" or "carrying") is a pitch sliding from one note to another.

Definitions of glissando. a rapid series of ascending or descending notes on the musical scale. types: slide, swoop. (music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale.

It allows us string-players to connect our notes with a beautiful legato, no matter how far apart or close together the notes are. In gentler music, sliding up into a note gives it a lyrical, vocal, expressive beginning, whereas in more intense music it gives drama and intensity.

It. So here's a portado phrase. You'll notice it's it's basically just a combination of a slur which is legato and staccato markings so the how to play it is somewhere in between the two as well so

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