Home Terms parlando


Meaning of Parlando in Music

Parlando is a musical term that refers to a style of performance that is suggestive of speech or recitation. It is used as a direction in music to indicate that a passage should be delivered or performed in a manner that resembles speaking or reciting. Parlando is often described as a vocal technique that lies between singing and speaking, creating a unique expressive quality in the music .

The term "parlando" can also be used to describe a specific style of Hungarian folk music, known as "parlando rubato." In this context, parlando rubato refers to a style of Hungarian folk music characterized by a combination of rhythmic freedom and expressive delivery. The term is frequently used in the compositions of Hungarian composer György Kurtág, who incorporates parlando rubato elements in his vocal works.

In summary, parlando in music refers to a style of performance that imitates speech or recitation, adding a distinct expressive quality to the music. It can also specifically refer to the parlando rubato style of Hungarian folk music .

A term used in singing meaning speech-like; Accented; in a declaratory style; in a speaking style, as a recitative.

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5. Repeats

Finethe end of a piece
Codathe concluding passage of a piece
Segnothe beginning or end of a repeat
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Sprechgesang (German: [ˈʃpʀɛçɡəˌzaŋ], "spoken singing") and Sprechstimme ( German: [ˈʃpʀɛçˌʃtɪmə], "spoken voice"), sometimes known as speak-singing in English, are expressionist musical vocal techniques between singing and speaking.

“Sprechgesang” is taken from the same word in German, literally meaning “speech song.” Did you Know? While sprechgesang emerged out of the world of German opera, today, it is a style closely associated with pop music.

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  • Using These Terms (and others)
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forte 2. Dynamics

mezzo pianompmoderately soft
mezzo fortemfmoderately loud
fortissimoffvery loud

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Call and response (music)

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