Home Terms Hymne


A French and German term for hymn. [French] hymne (m), [German] Hymne (f).

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a song of praise noun. anthem [noun] a song of praise. a national anthem. hymn [noun] a (usually religious) song of praise.

The word “hymn" comes from the Greek word “hymnos” which means “a song of praise”. Originally these would have been written in honour of the Gods.

Hymns, due to their length, often explore God's character and our relationship with Him in great depth. Contemporary songs, on the other hand, often lack theological depth. This is not necessarily because they are inaccurate, but because they contain few words.

Musically speaking, a hymn is generally understood to have four-part (or more) harmony, a fast harmonic rhythm (chords change frequently), with or without refrain or chorus.

The word hymn derives from Greek ὕμνος (hymnos), which means "a song of praise". A writer of hymns is known as a hymnist. The singing or composition of hymns is called hymnody. Collections of hymns are known as hymnals or hymn books.

10 of the Best Hymns Everyone Should Know

  • 'Amazing Grace'.
  • 'Rock of Ages'.
  • 'How Great Thou Art'.
  • 'I Vow to Thee My Country'.
  • 'Morning Has Broken'.
  • 'O God Our Help in Ages Past'.
  • 'Jerusalem'.
  • 'The Lord's My Shepherd'.

1. 'Amazing Grace'. Published in 1779, this is one of the best-known hymns in the English language, with words by John Newton. Newton became curate of the small parish of Olney in Buckinghamshire (not far north of the modern town of Milton Keynes) and wrote 'Amazing Grace' to illustrate a sermon on New Year's Day 1773.

Hymns are usually simple, genuinely emotional, poetic and literary in style, spiritual in quality, and its purpose is not only to worship the Lord but to unify the congregation while singing. In many churches, hymns are a thing of the past. They have been replaced with more upbeat and/or contemporary songs.

A hymn is a religious song, especially one praising God. People often sing hymns during church services.

In general, we could think of hymns as those songs of praise and worship we send up to God identifying for all to hear His attributes and thanking Him for His amazing intervention in our world and in our lives.

The hymn as a literary genre of the early modern period had a long history, dating back to the mid-3rd millennium BCE. Originally, hymns were cult songs of praise to gods, heroes, and rulers. They were among the earliest forms of poetry, and the oldest surviving texts come from Mesopotamia and Egypt.

The tune style or form is technically designated "gospel songs" as distinct from hymns. Gospel songs generally include a refrain (or chorus) and usually (though not always) a faster tempo than the hymns. As examples of the distinction, "Amazing Grace" is a hymn (no refrain), but "How Great Thou Art" is a gospel song.

hymnlike (comparative more hymnlike, superlative most hymnlike) Resembling a hymn in form or sound a hymnlike composition.

A hymn is an expression of worship - our glad and grateful acknowledgement of the "worth-ship" of Almighty God, our confession of our own creatureliness before our Creator, our bowing before his transcendence.

A hymn is a song expressing praise and adoration intended to be sung in religious worship. It is divided into stanzas or verses. The word “hymn" can also refer to a patriotic ode or poem or anthem.

The word “hymn" comes from the Greek word “hymnos” which means “a song of praise”. Originally these would have been written in honour of the Gods.

a song of praise noun. /hɪm/ 1a song of praise, especially one praising God and sung by Christians. Want to learn more? Find out which words work together and produce more natural-sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app.

For he began with a little hymn of praise to himself. I love that song; the hymn. Soon they are collectively singing hymns. The Guardian. It is so devotional that it sounds like a hymn.

Introduce children to different types of hymns: hymns of praise, fellowship, prayer, witness, dedication, and comfort. Hymns are some of our most powerful resources in producing true and authentic worshippers.

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