Home Terms giusto


Meaning of "giusto" in music

In music, the term "giusto" is an Italian word that translates to "strict" or "exact" in English. It is often used as a tempo marking to indicate that a passage of music should be performed in strict time or with a return to the regular tempo . The term "giusto" emphasizes the importance of maintaining a precise and steady tempo throughout the indicated section of the composition.

It is worth noting that some musical critics argue that "tempo giusto" implies more than just the absence of rubato (the flexible interpretation of tempo) and has its own positive musical meaning. This suggests that "giusto" not only signifies strictness but also carries a sense of correctness or appropriateness in the musical context.

Overall, when encountering the term "giusto" in music, it is important for performers to adhere to a strict and precise tempo, ensuring that the rhythm and timing of the music are executed accurately and precisely.

A directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in an equal, steady, and exact tempo.

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tempo giusto means either 'strict' time or 'suitable' time. From: giusto in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music » Subjects: Music.

Giusto (adj., adv., n.m.) adj. just, fair, impartial adj. legitimate, righteous adj.

Tempo giusto - In strict time/exact time, often directing a return to strict time following a section of rubato.

vivace (plural vivaces) (music) A piece to be played at a brisk, lively tempo.

Giusto serves many of the same functions as 'just', whether it's to say that something 'just' happened in the very recent past... È partita giusto un attimo fa. She just left a second ago. Sei arrivato al momento giusto.

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: a formerly used papal silver coin.

Andante – at a walking pace (73–77 BPM) Moderato – moderately (86–97 BPM) Allegretto – moderately fast (98–109 BPM) Allegro – fast, quickly and bright (109–132 BPM)

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Vivace – lively and fast (132–140 BPM) Presto – extremely fast (168–177 BPM) Prestissimo – even faster than Presto (178 BPM and over)

Vivace – lively and fast (156–176 bpm)

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