Home Terms cornu


Meaning of "Cornu" in Music

In the context of music, the term "cornu" has multiple meanings. Let's explore each of them:

1. **Cornu as a Property of Sound**: In some discussions about music, the term "cornu" is used to describe a particular property of sound. However, the exact meaning of this property in relation to music is not explicitly defined in the available search results.

2. **Cornu as a Musical Instrument**: The term "cornu" can also refer to a musical instrument. In ancient Rome, the cornu was a type of wind instrument made from an animal horn or metal. It was used by Roman military musicians and had a distinctive curved shape.

It's important to note that the term "cornu" can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In the context of music, it can refer to a property of sound or a specific type of musical instrument.

A Roman instrument consisting of a long tube made of brass which is twisted into a 'G' shape, used in political ceremonies.

Popular questions related to cornu

The cornu was an ancient Roman musical instrument used in the ancient Roman military as a signaling instrument. It was used to give signals to the entire unit. The military writer Vegetius described the use of horns to give signals: The music of the legion consists of trumpets, cornets and buccinae.

The sound of a Roman cornu is produced by the vibrations of the lips, a procedure that generates a buzzing sound quite similar to that made by a french horn's player.

The cornu, made of copper alloy, was discovered deep in the silt beneath the remains of a schola, a clubhouse for army officers. It has undergone conservation work during which stratigraphic analysis dated it to 120 C.E. to 128 C.E.

In jazz and popular-music contexts, the word may be used loosely to refer to any wind instrument, and a section of brass or woodwind instruments, or a mixture of the two, is called a horn section in these contexts.

Examples of cornu The posteromedian part of the hyoid plate is calcified; from this plate the long bony, posterior cornua (thyrohyales) extend posterolaterally. This menstruum (solvent) dissolved a quantity of luna cornua (horn silver), though some black powder remained undissolved.

cornu, (Latin: “horn”), large metal horn of ancient Rome, used as a military and ceremonial instrument. It was about 11 feet (slightly more than 3 m) in length and had the shape of the letter G, with a crossbar brace that supported the instrument's weight on the player's shoulder.

cornu, (Latin: “horn”), large metal horn of ancient Rome, used as a military and ceremonial instrument. It was about 11 feet (slightly more than 3 m) in length and had the shape of the letter G, with a crossbar brace that supported the instrument's weight on the player's shoulder.

The cornu or cornum was an ancient brass instrument used in the Roman Empire. In the Roman army, it was carried by the “theso-called cornicen “(horn blower) and used to send coded orders across the battlefield in the form of horn signals. Off the battlefield, it also served as a ceremonial music instrument.

horn cornu, (Latin: “horn”), large metal horn of ancient Rome, used as a military and ceremonial instrument. It was about 11 feet (slightly more than 3 m) in length and had the shape of the letter G, with a crossbar brace that supported the instrument's weight on the player's shoulder.

"Cornu" is a neuter fourth declension noun. It appears in the nominative singular case in this sentence, meaning it requires the neuter nominative singular form "longum."

The raised horn is a common biblical symbol of victory, especially of being rescued from oppression. ), and when God “exalts the horn” of someone, he is bringing victory to the oppressed.

In ancient Middle-Eastern iconography, horns are a common way of expressing the strength and the power of a god or of a king representing him. The horns thus express unequalled proximity between Yahweh and Moses.

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