Home Terms corda


Meaning of "Corda" in Music

In music, the term "corda" has different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few common interpretations:

1. **Una Corda**: In piano music, "una corda" is an Italian term that translates to "one string." It refers to the soft pedal on a piano that, when depressed, shifts the entire hammer mechanism to the left. This causes the hammer to strike fewer strings, resulting in a softer and more muted sound. The soft pedal is usually operated by the left pedal on modern pianos.

2. **Tre Corde**: "Tre corde" is the opposite of "una corda" and means "three strings" in Italian. It indicates the release of the soft pedal on a piano, allowing the hammer to strike all three strings per note, producing a fuller sound.

It's important to note that "una corda" and "tre corde" are specific instructions for using the soft pedal on a piano and are typically indicated in the sheet music under the bass staff.

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The Italian term for string.

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Popular questions related to corda

one string Una corda literally means 'one string' and by depressing the Una corda fully, the whole action and keyboard shifts to the right (on a grand piano), allowing the hammers to strike one string fewer than usual, therefore reducing the sound and resonance.

corda f (plural corde) rope. (anatomy) chord, cord. (music) string, cord (of a musical instrument)

three strings [Italian, three strings] A directive in piano music that indicates that the soft pedal should be released. The words "tre corde" are shown under the bass staff where the soft pedal is to be released.

The Italian term for string. See also [Eng.], string; [Fr.] Corde; [Ger.] Saite; [It.] Corda; [Sp.]

Soft pedal aka “una corda pedal” (left) On a grand piano, the una corda pedal shifts the entire mechanism to the right, so the hammer only hits two of the three strings. The resulting note is softer. Also, since the strings are hit by a different part of the hammer, the sound is muted and less bright.

The use of the soft pedal is generally notated with the words una corda (Italian for 'one string') or due corde (Italian for 'two strings') to show when the pedal should begin being used, and tre corde or tutte le corde ('three strings' or 'all the strings') for when it should be released.

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[ oo-nuh-kawr-duh; Italian oo-nah kawr-dah ] show ipa. adverb. with the soft pedal depressed (a musical direction in piano playing).

2nd string Corde just means string. 2e (deuxième) corde would be the 2nd string.

2nd string Corde just means string. 2e (deuxième) corde would be the 2nd string.

Some of the most common string playing terms are explained here… Arco: Italian for bow. Written in after passages of pizzicato (plucked) notes. Means to return to playing with the bow.

Modern pianos usually have three pedals, from left to right, the soft pedal (or una corda), the sostenuto pedal, and the sustaining pedal (or damper pedal). Some pianos omit the sostenuto pedal, or have a middle pedal with a different purpose such as a muting function also known as silent piano.

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