Home Composers Xavier Leroux

Xavier Leroux

Short bio Xavier Leroux

Birthday: 1863
Died: 1919
Genre: Classical

Full biography Xavier Leroux

photo Xavier Leroux

Xavier Leroux was a French composer born on October 15, 1863, in Vannes, Brittany, France. He was a student at the Paris Conservatory, where he studied harmony with Jules Massenet and composition with César Franck and Charles-Marie Widor. Later, he became a professor at the Conservatorium in Paris and taught several prominent composers, such as Marc Delmas and Fernande Breilh Decruck.

Leroux's musical output consists of many works, including operas, symphonies, and chamber music. Some of his most famous compositions include the operas "Le Chemineau" and "La Jacquerie," as well as his Piano Trio in D minor. As a composer, Leroux was known for his ability to blend traditional harmonies with more modern and innovative harmonies.

In 1900, Leroux won the prestigious Prix de Rome for his cantata "L'Apaisement." This was a significant accomplishment for him and helped to establish him as a respected composer in the French musical world of the time.

Leroux was a member of the Legion of Honour and was known for his dedication to his students and their musical education. He died on June 9, 1919, in Paris, leaving behind a legacy of diverse and innovative musical compositions and a lasting impact on the French musical community.

Compositions featuring Xavier Leroux

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Astarté, opera Opera -
2 La lettre de Jean-Pierre Vocal Music -
3 Le Nil 4:04 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Par un soir d'hiver, song for voice & piano 1:15 min Vocal Music -
5 Une soirée près du lac 3:30 min Chamber Music -
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