Home Composers William Walker

William Walker

Short bio William Walker

Birthday: 1808 in Cross Keys, SC
Died: 1875 in Spartanburg, SC
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography William Walker

photo William Walker

William Walker was an American Baptist song leader and music editor. He is best known for his contributions to the shape-note tradition of hymn singing. Born in 1805 in Martin County, Kentucky, Walker grew up on a farm and taught himself to read music. He later became a music teacher and began to collect and publish songs.

In 1835, Walker published The Southern Harmony, a collection of hymns for the Southern United States that would become a widely used and beloved hymnal. The Southern Harmony was a major success and went through several editions, selling over 600,000 copies during Walker's lifetime.

Walker was also a composer and wrote some of the songs that were included in The Southern Harmony. His most famous composition is "The Davidian Cry," a hymn that became a staple of the shape-note singing tradition.

Walker continued to publish hymnals and shape-note collections throughout his life, including Christian Harmony and The Hesperian Harp. He passed away in 1875 in Spartanburg, South Carolina, but his legacy lives on through his music and contributions to the shape-note tradition.

Compositions featuring William Walker

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 An Address for All, song 4:20 min Chamber Music 183?
2 Hallelujah ("An let this feeble body fail"), for chorus 2:19 min Choral -
3 Hebrew Children (from The Southern Harmony & Musical Companion) 1:36 min Choral -
4 Holy Manna (from The Southern Harmony & Musical Companion) 1:37 min Choral -
5 Merrick ("Saviour, Visit Thy Plantation"), revival song 4:23 min Vocal Music -
6 Sweet Prospect 2:51 min Choral -
7 The Babe of Bethlehem 2:46 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
8 Wondrous Love (from The Southern Harmony & Musical Companion) 2:41 min Choral -
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