Home Composers Wassili Leps

Wassili Leps

Short bio Wassili Leps

Birthday: 1870
Died: 1942

Full biography Wassili Leps

photo Wassili Leps

Wassili Leps was a Russian-born American composer who lived from May 12, 1870 to December 22, 1942. He is known for writing numerous operas, one of which, "Hoshi-San," was premiered in Philadelphia in 1909. He was also a respected music teacher, having taught at Providence College of Music in Rhode Island, as well as in Philadelphia. Some of his notable students include Irving Gertz, who went on to become a prolific composer of sci-fi scores, and Adolph M. Foerster, who also became a respected composer and teacher. Leps was an active composer during his time and was known for his versatility as both a teacher of piano, voice, and composition as well as a pianist, conductor, and writer on music. Despite his contributions to American music, his name remains relatively unknown today.

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